Regular price $120.00
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◆Director's Recommendation
Well well, I had no idea what this was, until I tasted it. It looked like Louis Vuitton's Sake?? Jokes aside, a very good Sake, the brewery hasn't received Sake license, that is why he is adding stuff to it. But this is already lifting Sake's ceiling. I think it is akin to Aramasa's Turtle, it is tight, concentrated, a serious Sake. Must try for high Sake achievers.
I came across this in a niche sake bar in Tokyo, amazing.
使用米 | 秋田米、米麹、ホップ 90% |
使用酵母 | |
日本酒度 | |
酸度 | |
アルコール度 | 14度 |
容量 | 500ml 720ml |