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小布施(ドメイヌ ソガ)「大自然 绝版 古典野生酵母」Sake Naturel Levures Sauvages

This is hands down, the best bottle of Sake that I have drunk out of 10000 labels.
The winery is in fact so excited and emotional about the fact, that they've written in the back label, this is '偏执和色情的日本人的逆袭‘ -- The Revenge of the Workaholic and Erotic Japanese.
This rice crops are farmed in their own land, with no pesticides for over 3 decades, giving rise to only 20% of the yield of normal Nishiki rice paddies.
The yeast is an ancient, 100% natural yeast, no cultivated yeast were added.
Obuse winery, yes winery was founded in eighteen hundreds and were only making grape wines. They only applied for Sake production license just before the 2nd world war. One of the oldest and acclaimed wineries in Japan.
This Sake has a sensational balance between acidity and fruitiness, an elegance that is akin to top Burgundies, you will find secondary and tertiary flavors using your palettes.
This is also one of few Sakes that will increase in value when aged.
小布施(ドメイヌ ソガ)「纯米吟酿」
使用米 | 2023年收获長野县产美山锦90%精米 |
使用酵母 | 古典生酛 野生酵母 |
アルコール度 | 14度 |
日本酒度 | |
酸度 | |
容量 | 720ml |
価格 |
◆ ドメイヌ ソガ「サンシミ」小布施ワイナリー(株)
ブルゴーニュのような小さいワイナリーであること、自社農場産ワイン専用葡萄100%使用であること、輸入ワインを一切混ぜない自製酒100%を守り続けていることが小布施ワイナリー「ドメイヌ ソガ」の誇りです。